
Organic tallow is a type of fat that comes from the tissues of grass-fed, free-range animals that have not been treated with hormones, antibiotics, or pesticides. It is commonly used in natural skincare products and as a cooking ingredient

Tallow is a natural ingredient that has been used for centuries to nourish and protect the skin. It is a rich source of essential fatty acids and vitamins that can help to hydrate and heal dry, damaged skin. Tallow is also known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to soothe and prevent skin irritations.
When applied to the skin, tallow forms a protective barrier that helps to lock in moisture and prevent water loss. This can be especially beneficial for those with dry or sensitive skin, as it can help to reduce itching, redness, and flakiness. Tallow is also a great option for those with acne-prone skin, as it can help to reduce inflammation and fight off acne-causing bacteria.
To use tallows on your skin, look for products that contain high-quality, grass-fed tallow.( Shopping Authanticbody&Soul )You can find tallow-based creams, balms, and lotions that are specifically formulated for use on the skin. Simply apply a small amount to clean, dry skin and massage in gently.
Overall, tallow is a natural and effective ingredient for promoting healthy, beautiful skin. Whether you’re looking to hydrate dry skin, soothe irritation, or fight acne, tallow is definitely worth considering as a part of your skincare routine., beautiful skin. Whether you’re looking to hydrate dry skin, soothe irritation, or fight acne, tallow is definitely worth considering as a part of your skincare routine.

Indoor Air And Human Health

Indoor air quality is a major factor in human health and well-being

Poor indoor air quality can have a major impact on human health. It is estimated that people spend up to 90% of their time indoors, and the air they breathe can be more polluted than outdoor air. This poses a serious risk to human health, as pollutants in the air can cause respiratory illnesses, allergic reactions and even long-term damage.

 Indoor air pollution can cause a range of health problems, such as asthma, indoor air pollution is caused by a variety of sources including dust, mould, pet dander, cleaning products and building materials.

 In order to protect human health from these pollutants, it is crucial to understand the sources of indoor air pollution and take steps to reduce them. This includes regular cleaning and maintenance of HVAC systems, use of natural or low-VOC products when possible, and proper ventilation when needed. These steps will help ensure that people breathe clean air in their homes and workplaces.

Air quality has a direct impact on human health. Poor indoor air quality can lead to various health problems, from respiratory illnesses to allergies.  Therefore it is essential that people take steps to improve the air quality in their homes and workplaces. 

This can be done by installing high-efficiency air filters, using green cleaning products, and avoiding the use of chemicals such as paints and solvents indoors. Additionally, regular ventilation can help reduce levels of dust and other pollutants in the air. By taking these steps, people can ensure they breathe clean air and protect their homes and protect their healt



  Canadian Unsolved Mysteries

Some Of The Canadian Unsolved Mysteriesdian History We May Or Not Know

Who killed William Robinson was a natural person, a Black American who was murdered on Salt Spring Island in the British Colony of British Columbia Canada in 1868. He arrived in the colony a decade before as part of a group of Black Americans fleeing persecution and slavery from the American South in the years leading up to the American Civil War.

Robinson was one of three black island residents killed in this small community in less than two years. All three were Black. An Aboriginal man named Tshuanhusset, also called Tom, was charged with Robinson’s murder, and convicted and hanged, but a closer look at the evidence challenges the guilty verdict. Read the Full Story…



Future Crops, Mussels, Millet, Cassava And More Are Resilient, Sustainable And Nutritious 

How Will We Eat In Future

No matter how you slice it, climate change will alter what we eat in the future. Today, just 13 crops provide 80 percent of people’s food energy intake worldwide, and about half of our calories come from wheat, maize and rice. Yet some of these crops may not grow well in higher temperatures,

 Climate change’s impact on food is measured in terms of greenhouse gas emissions intensity. The emissions intensity is expressed in kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalents,  which includes not only CO2 but all greenhouse gases – per kilogram of food, per gram of protein or per calorie.

That goes beyond what we eat and how we grow our food. The trick will be investing in every possible solution: breeding crops so they’re more climate resilient, genetically engineered foods in the lab and studying crops that we just don’t know enough about, says ecologist Samuel Pironon of the Royal Botanic.

Consumer preferences are part of the equation as well. “It does have to be that right combination of It looks good, it tastes good and it’s the right price point,” says Halley Froehlich, an aquaculture and fisheries scientist at the 

University of California, Santa Barbara.

What does food have to do with climate change? 

Ecuador’s Diverse flora, fauna And Microorganisms.

The Rain forest is disapparing

Ecuador is perhaps the most biodiverse country in the world if we also consider the Galapagos Islands

It is to an immense variety of flora, fauna, microorganisms, and genes that have developed over millions of years of biological evolution thanks to the particular conditions of the location, terrain, and climate.

 In addition to the environmental services provided by the diversity of species, the food, medicines, fibres, some construction materials, drugs, and industrial products used in other countries all come directly from the biodiversity of this region.

Certain species of Plants native to the south of the country, for example, have saved humanity for decades in the making. Pharmaceutical Industry Products mankind Saving the world from severe epidemics such as (Malaria) and other diseases whose cure came from the bark of the Quina or Cinchona trees still present in the forests of Loja. Or the flourishing of derivatives of tara.

 Over the past 20 years – an impressive number according to David Neill, co-author of a book cataloguing Ecuador’s plant species diversity. and former curator of the Missouri Botanical Garden an impressive number of new species have been found in this reason.

It is a place of the wonder of nature and beauty in South America and the Caribbean. 

Scientists Say They Have Confirmed The Earth’s Innermost Inner Core 

The Earth is changing

Using a type of previously undescribed seismic wave that not only travels through the earth Collecting invaluable data about the core’s structure. Earth’s heart may have a secret chamber. 
The planet’s inner core isn’t just a solid ball of nickel and iron, researchers say, but contains two layers of its own. “Understanding how the magnetic field evolves is extremely important for life on Earth.
A researcher of seismologists at the Australian National University in Canberra.


 Solar Storms, Northern Light Aurora Borealis.

Most People know Aurora Borealis But Do They know The Scientific Phenomenon Behind It. 

It’s a scientific phenomenon happening above us that not many people are aware of the actual season of what is going on in the winter across the north caused by particles of electrons and protons.

These particles travel at speed of 150 million kilometres from the sun to reach the Earth


The good thing we do matter

Some Good People Do Exist

If you don’t have the money to pay for a scoop of ice cream at Everyday Sundae in Washington, D.C., don’t worry owner Charles Foreman and his generous customers have you covered for your scoop.

 Three Tennessee High school students helped Sergio Peralta do something he’d never been able to before: catch a baseball with his right hand. Peralta, 15, was born with a hand.


Cameroonian Stranded On The Island of Antigua

 How did 600 Cameroonians find themselves stranded on the Island of Antigua in the Caribbean, an island many had never heard of? 


                                                    Healthy Balance

  The life we live today is very stressful at best we learn to cope with circumstances around us and in society, with all that is happening in today’s world. Unexplained increase in death in Canada, the US, Europe, and Australia.

It appears people are now dealing with the aftereffects of COVID-19 infections, there is a growing number of studies that are linked between the virus and related heart problems in young people. Some things we know, and lots we don’t know. One thing we know for sure we have to keep our immune system working properly with the right foods, sleep exercise, and water. 

Getting enough sleep is very important 

Stress is one of the factors that may affect the skin.  We all have to learn to relax and chill from everyday issues. And when we don’t take a break, the results could be disastrous. So make sure you get enough sleep at least 6 -8 hours every night some of us need more, and others need less.

 During our sleep cycle, the body recovers itself from daily stress; when you cut short those hours of sleep, the Body and skin could age prematurely. On the other hand, I’m sure you have noticed how good your body looks after a good night’s sleep, you wake up with healthy-looking skin, feeling great and on top of the world.


Hydrate your skin from the inside out

Drinking at least seven to ten glasses of water or a mix of fruit and vegetable juice per day can really make a difference. If you prefer something sweeter, around five servings of fresh fruits or vegetables are recommended.

Some of us need a good sunscreen

Been widely known and accepted that prolonged sun exposure could wreak havoc on certain skin types. So if you must be in the sun, you should apply a good sunscreen on your skin. Try to find something with an SPF of 35 or higher, so you won’t need to reapply it that often during the day, or just stay out of the sun.

 Clean your keyboard, Cell phone, Earphones

 Your phone is the perfect breeding ground for tons of bacteria. When coming in contact with one’s face, these bacteria can cause nasty breakouts. So try to always make sure to wipe your phone to disinfect the phone.


Shower temperature of the Water

It’s very tempting to stay in the shower for a long time. There’s nothing as calming and refreshing as having that stream of hot water hit your face. In reality, all you need is 5-10 minutes of a lukewarm shower. Try to avoid using hot water on your skin because this could lead to excessive dryness and even rashes.

I truly believe that these 5 easy tricks could help you improve your skin and even your general well-being.

That’s why these foods help to keep us healthy.  Amazing herbs such as Ginger, Burdock root, Beetroots or Artichoke, Rosemary, Dandelion, and Blue and Blackberries.


#Healthier Body Happier Life 


The Surprising Benefits of Tallow and How It is Revolutionizing Health & Personal Care

What is Tallow and Why Is it Making a Comeback?


Tallow Skincare is revolutionizing the way people approach their Skincare routine. It is made from rendered animal fat and contains a variety of compounds that have been found to be beneficial for the skin. Not only does tallow provide nourishment and hydration, but it also has anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and antioxidant properties that make it an ideal choice for Skincare, and a great choice for cooking. 


Furthermore, the science behind tallow skincare means that it can be used in a range of skincare formulas to suit different skin types. 


The Many Benefits of Using Tallow For Skin Care & Hair Care

Tallow is packed with a variety of therapeutic benefits to rejuvenate and nourish your skin, including increased blood circulation, better collagen formation, and improved skin firmness and elasticity. It provides long-lasting moisture, leaving your skin feeling soft and glowing. It absorbs easily into the skin because of the biological similarity of tallow and our skin.  


Tallow is a rich source of fatty acids and lipids, which makes it a great choice for those looking to nourish their skin. It also contains natural vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help protect your skin from environmental damage and aging. The science behind tallow skincare has been studied extensively, showing that it can help improve skin health and reduce wrinkles and fine lines, fight acne-causing bacteria, and more. 


With Tallow skincare products becoming more accessible than ever before, now is the time to take advantage of this revolutionary new

 approach to skincare


Tallow Nutrition Facts & How it Can Boost Your Health

Around 1950, Researchers began pushing the idea that a lower consumption of animal fats was necessary to avoid coronary heart disease.  We now have more information that foods with high fat and cholesterol may offer some health benefits.


Tallow has saturated and monounsaturated fat which are now known as the healthy fats in our diets.  The breakdown is about 40-50% monounsaturated fats. You will find a similar composition in olive oil.


This kind of saturated fat that tallows  possess is now accepted as having a neutral effect on blood cholesterol levels. In other words, it’s good fat (HDL) when taken in moderation and should not increase your chances of cardiovascular disease.

How to Incorporate Tallow into Your Daily Life to Maximize the Benefits?


Using Tallow for Skincare?


The regenerative nature of tallows to promote skin cell regeneration should be the primary reason to use tallows.  Tallow is like no other when it comes to nourishment, hydration and skin repair.  From dry skin to cracked heels, tallow is your number-one defender. Tallow does not clog pores plus it has all the necessary fatty acids to maintain the structure and barrier of the skin


Using  Tallow For Health Benefits


Fat-soluble vitamins are more readily absorbed into the body because of the high saturated fat content. Because of the high saturated fat content. Tallow possesses such a rich array of vitamins that we usually purchase individual products to get each of these vitamins for our skin such as vitamins A, B, D, E, and K.  All these vitamins are vital for a healthy body and boost the immune system..


When tallow is sourced from organic animals that have been fed only grass, the quality of the essential fatty acids is more beneficial.  These fatty acids support metabolic function thereby improving vitamin absorption, healthy skin, and brain function.


Using Tallow in Cooking


Many find that tallow adds more flavor to foods, and it’s great for frying.  It has a high heating point which means that it will maintain its nutritional benefits.


Tallow has a high smoking point which is around 420-480 degrees/Fahrenheit.  This means that you will not start to lose the beneficial nutrients or change the chemical composition until the oil starts burning at about 420 degrees.  This can be problematic and cause the oil to oxidize and form free radicals.




Tallow supplies the fatty acids and cholesterol that are important to help fuel the brain and regulate body weight, mood, and appetite that is controlled by the hormones produced with the help of these fatty acids.


It is important that the tallow is sourced from organic and grass-fed animals whether you are using it for cooking or skin care.  Try it today for healthy glowing skin.


Healthier Body Happier Life



Natural Skin Care With Tallow

How To Take Care Of The Skin To Make It Feel And Look Healthy

Whether dry skin, oily skin, damaged skin or no makeup, skin care always takes time and the right ingredients together with effort to maintain a healthy glow. View from the point of nutrients. 

Lovely, beautiful skin looks good without makeup and doesn’t need makeup. Sometimes you need something to enhance your skin. 

Tallow is an organic and natural moisturizer with nutrients that benefit both layers of the skin tallow is known to be highly beneficial to the skin. It’s considered organic by nature because of the nutrient from the grass-fed animal. This makes tallow perfect for skin care, which our ancient ancestors utilized in the past.

Using tallows gives you a healthy, soft, smooth, even-toned complexion. The best Tallow is made from suet, which is the fatty part of the cow around the kidneys. Ideally grass-fed animals.

It is a cleaner natural organic ingredient that our ancestors used to make soap and prepare their food. Now we are beginning to rediscover the benefits of making suet into cosmetics, Balms, Butters, Soaps, and lotions Lip balms, scientific makes sense. 


We are animals based, and the ingredients in tallow are the same as in our skin. Tallow is made up of fatty acids, saturated and monounsaturated fats so like human cells.  


Tallow consists of triglycerides that are made of stearic and oleic acids. The lipids in tallow are primarily in the form of triglycerides, which is in our skin.


Tallow ingredients clean the pores and pump up the skin giving it nutrients and nourishment to the skin. A younger, soft, vibrant, healthy feel and touch.When the herbal ingredients are added to the tallow and can be used in a variety of ways you get the benefit of the herbal base material being absorbed in the fatty acid which then goes into the dermis and epidermis.

  This makes you look younger, is anti-wrinkle and prevents premature damage to the skin. Tallow has been used for centuries. It is rich in vitamins,   minerals, and essential fatty acids, and tallow is known to be therapeutic. 


# Healthier body happier life

    Carrot Juice And Skin Health

        What happens to my skin if I drink carrot juice every day?

Drinking too much carrot juice can lead to carotenemia, depending on the skin type, a temporary condition where the skin takes on a yellowish tint from too much beta-carotene in the blood. To enjoy the benefits of carrot juice, without consuming too much vitamin A and c or beta-carotene, drink no more than half a glass or 4 ounces per day.


Stimulates Collagen Production

“The high levels of vitamin C found in carrot juice also works to stimulate collagen, which is good for complexion production and maintaining skin elasticity, collagen that makes from your Root vegetables balances hormones by balancing blood sugar through fibres. Carrots are beneficial for preventing estrogen dominance skin to firm, bouncy, plump, and healthy.


Reduces Pimples

Carrot juice benefits the skin as it is rich in phytochemicals called polyacetylenes. Studies show that polyacetylenes have proven their potential of providing anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties in the body, helping reduce pimples on our skin.


It Prevents Cell Degeneration

It’s Scientifically proven that beta-carotene extracted from carrot juice can drastically decelerate skin damage in people with busy and stressful lifestyles and smokers. 


Reduces Redness And Scarring

The potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity in carrot juice with the presence of potassium and vitamin A and C and K reduces redness in the skin and improve the appearance of scars and blemishes, improve eyesight, boost your immune system, and strengthen your skin cells. 


It Reduces Inflammation


According to a study, polyphenols such as polyacetylenes in carrot juice reduce allergic inflammation in the body and support healthy skin.

Carrot juice is also rich in vitamins, Drinking eight ounces of pure carrot juice can give you about 35% of the recommended daily intake of the vitamin, which is useful in many processes within the body. 

One includes the production of collagen in the skin, teeth, bones and mucous membranes. Vitamin C can also be found in berries, lemons, and oranges, a good source to add to your carrot juice. 

Rich in potassium, Carrot juice contains potassium, which is an essential mineral in maintaining the right balance of electrolytes and fluid in the cells of our body.

 Potassium is also needed to support muscle movement in the body With enough minerals in the body, hypokalemia, muscle spasm, acne, and dry skin can be avoided. Six ounces of the juice can give you 10% of the daily required amount of potassium your body needs. This a reminder that you shouldn’t have much potassium in the body if you have kidney disease.


We can combine carrots with other fruits and vegetables to make flavoursome juices. 

Carrot and apple juice

Carrot and Beetroot  juice

Carrot and celery juice

Carrot and kale

Carrot and pineapple juice

Carrot ginger and cinnamon juice


Carrot and Beetroot juice let the skin prevents pigmentation and discoloration which is a common problem today. Being rich sources of vitamin C and iron, both fruits help the body normally the best time to drink carrot juice would definitely be in the morning. 

Drinking this healthy juice also helps in keeping the skin soft, and smooth.

Carrots are a great source of phytochemicals, which have been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers. Such as bladder cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer.


Carrots are a good source of vitamin B6, with magnesium, can help to reduce the severity and length of muscle cramps.

When you have muscle cramps, it likely means that you are deficient in magnesium, so your body is telling you to increase your intake of this nutrient. Vitamin B6 works with magnesium to help strengthen your muscles.


 #Healthier body happier life


citrus Soap

Citrus Energy Tallow Bar Soap

Rich in Vitamins A, D, E, and K that give that youthful glowing, healthy skin.

The combination of essential oils in our citrus energy tallow soap includes orange essential oil which is well known to help uplift the mood. 


Best Tallow-Based Products For Glowing Skin

Authentic Body & Soul

Blue tansy essential oil is known for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and anti-fungal properties. It is also known to help reduce redness and irritation and can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions. It can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, acne, and other blemishes, and can help to soothe and heal dry, cracked, and irritated skin.


Natural & Chemical-Free Skin Care

Authentic Body & Soul

Botanical tallow cream| contains antioxidants
Tallow help soothes skin injuries and repair damage faster|
Tallow has antimicrobial properties.

A Blend of Six Powerful Plants And Blend Herb

Lose Weight With Natural Ingredients

Diet Healthy Weight Loss,

Alpine Nutrients and Plants

Achieve what you desire, and lose weight.


Are you struggling to lose weight? No matter how much you diet or exercise you can’t seem to get rid of the weight. It turns out it’s not your fault. It turns out that weight loss is more complicated than we thought

   Nutritional Facts

 Tallow is made from rendered Suet and fat only.

  Not only does Beef Tallow has a very high smoke point and a long shelf life at room temperature, but it’s also a way to ensure we’re using the whole animal in our products and cooking, our forefathers understood the value of and that we’re re-learning how to do today with 

Suet is a special kind of fat that surrounds the kidneys and heart in cattle, sheep and goats.

Suet is also found around the kidneys of lamps and mutton although not in as high a quantity as that from cattle.

Suet was and continues to be also used in recipes for soft-textured pastry, dumplings, mincemeat, Christmas pudding, Jamaican beef patties and the rendered version of Suet called Tallow.

Due to the very high energy and calorie density of Suet, 241 calories per ounce, Beef or Lamb Suet was once used as a high-energy source for mountaineers, Polar explorers and folks living off the grid.

Rendered down Suet has long been used to make Tallow, at room temperature tallow is stable cooking oil. Consider using only directly from a reputable certified organic beef farm verified as Grass-fed by an independent verification body.

Beef tallow is known to be helpful in correcting skin issues problem also nutritious to the body. Can also be used as a Diaper rash baby cream, and for stretch mark prevention.


Vitamin E and Vitamin B6,  Choline, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, Saturated, Monounsaturated, and Polyunsaturated fatty acids.            

Excellent in helping skin issues such as

Nourishing dry skin

Balancing oily skin

Deep hydration and moisture for aging skin

Moisturizing and healing acne-prone skin

Oil cleansing 



Other skin conditions

Tallow products are simply one of the best natural Creams, moisturizers, and cleaners and are also Toxin free and nutritious to the body in the skincare orbits.

It even helps with the pain in the body that comes from people’s reviews. 


 # Healthier Body Happier Life

                                                  ASPARAGUS JUICE

                                                    The nutrition Goal Is To Eat The Best Food That We Can Or Afford                                                

 In the early 1900 fresh vegetables and fruit juice come into their own. Their value is now recognized by most well-informed layman professionals who agree with the role they play in a healthy body.
How vital eating healthy can be to our well-being, yet if given the choice between a serving of fruit and fast food most people choose the fast food.
Eating vegetables and whole fruit or juice does make a difference in digestive processes, with whole fruits the fibre serves as an intestinal cleanser or scraper to the wall of the Colon to keep it or maintain a healthy condition plus with a good intake of water wash things away. Most illnesses start in the digestive system, the small intestines or the colon. Asparagus juice this juice help break up oxalic acid crystals in the kidneys and throughout the muscular system.

The human system cannot completely digest and assimilate meats and meat products because the ingestion of too much causes the uric acids generated to be absorbed into the muscles. This could end up with overwork Kidneys!


Nature can help to make you feel happier and more content as a person, which can improve many areas of your life. Reduce depression, anxiety, stress and anger, as well as generally boost your psychological wellbeing.

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