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Adopting Healthier And Greener Habits

Wildfire in canada

The current wildfires in Canada have been devastating, with thousands of hectares of forests and homes destroyed. As of August 2021, there have been over 1,000 wildfires reported in British Columbia alone, with many more in other provinces. The extreme heat and dry weather conditions in many parts of the country have made it difficult for firefighters to contain the flames.
The wildfires have had a significant impact on the environment, with many animals and their habitats destroyed. The smoke from the fires has also caused poor air quality, which can be harmful to human health, especially for those with respiratory issues. Additionally, the fires have forced many people to evacuate their homes and seek temporary shelter.
The Canadian government has been working closely with local authorities and firefighters to contain the fires and provide support to affected communities. However, the sheer scale of the wildfires has made it a challenging task.
Experts have pointed out that climate change plays a role in the severity and frequency of wildfires in Canada and worldwide. The warmer temperatures and drier conditions create ideal conditions for fires to spread quickly and become more difficult to contain.
In conclusion, the current wildfires in Canada are a devastating reminder of the impact of climate change on our environment and communities. It is crucial that we take action to mitigate the effects of climate change and support those affected by these disasters

Alberta,  Quebec, BC,  Saskatchewan, Northern Ontario



Rainfall Could Be The Saving Grace For Alberta

Hope seems to be coming soon through of low pressure is moving from the Pacific through British Columbia while embedded moisture coming from the United States. An upper-level low colder air is forming in the atmosphere around B.C. Peace River area.

The benefits are many with cooler temperatures, additional humidity and more moisture in the air around this area will positively impact firefighting efforts, in some of these areas. Let’s hope rainfall will be the turning point in these wildfire battles. Canadian soldiers have now joined the fight.

There are 81 wildfires in forest protection areas, with 23 considered out of control. More than 945,000 hectares have burned.

Climate change is real people let no one fool you, my friends.

Posted May 22/2023

Climate Changes 

Alberta Wild Fire 2023

Wildfire smoke covers the Prairie skies in Saskatchewan

 Residents of Drayton Valley and the County of Grande Prairie prepare to return home, out-of-control wildfires in the province of   Alberta have prompted new evacuation orders for communities west and north of Edmonton.

Climate change is becoming more real, and feeling is believing more than ever. Environmental stresses affect us all most in the place we call home. Greenhouse gas emissions are blanketing the Earth, they trap the sun’s heat. This is causing global warming and climate change.

The earth is now warming faster than at any point in recorded history, and all the world governments are doing is scheduling more meetings while the earth burns,

What happens when the earth is too hot to live on, what will we do then? Looks for the next Planet and start it all over again, greed will be the death of us and our planet anyone who reads this page is honest to yourself and your Children’s future, Look what going on in our country of Canada. Alberta in the month of May is experiencing heat waves and wildfires.

Farmers are losing their crops which means, we are losing food off our tables when will we start making major changes in the way we do certain things on this planet?

Is it already too late for us yes rich and poor we are all in the same boat, a warmer planet means food shortage, water shortage, sea levels rising our livestock, and wildlife dying off and this is not hyperbole.

What are the hottest summer days?

Highest temperatures ever recorded in Canada

Northwest Ontario wildfire

Organic Foods

The Monetary Cost Of Eating Healthy 

 Is organic food really healthier? Is it worth the expense? Do we really need it Find out what the labels mean and which foods give you the most value for your money?

Astrophotographers have created an incredible image of the sun by piecing together thousands of photographs.

A pair of Astrophptographers stitched together approximately 90,000 photographs of the sun to make the image they’re calling “Fusion of Helios,” which showcases the star’s swirling surface and looks similar to the fuzz cloaking a tennis ball. With the help of computer software, the photographers “stitched the photos together like a puzzle to get the final result” to make the final image. Everyone should have a telescope to see the going on in the sky around us.

#Healthier Body Happier Life 

Alkaline Vs Acidic

For a healthy life, It’s critical for your health that the pH level of your blood remains constant between 7.35 to 7.45.  


Cucumbers are a high-alkaline vegetable that helps regulate blood pressure and plays a role in the structure of connective tissue within the body, including the muscles. Cucumbers are also a mild diuretic and can ease bloating or swelling. Their antioxidant qualities make them great for removing toxins from the body. Cucumbers are also high in B vitamins.

Seeded Watermelon 

Seeded watermelon is excellent alkaline-forming food. This melon has high fibre and water content, which lets it flush acids out of the body. Incorporating seeded watermelon into the diet increases fibre intake and helps balance alkaline content. Watermelon is rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene and contains plenty of arginine, magnesium, and potassium, which helps reduce blood pressure.


In addition to balancing pH, this creamy fruit contains antioxidants that do wonders for the skin. Essential antioxidants make avocados a powerful, nutrient-dense food. They are also high in monounsaturated fats, which can help reduce cardiovascular disease, balance blood sugar, and offer plenty of potassium, reducing blood pressure.

Cayenne Peppers

Another surprising high-alkaline food is cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper is one of the most alkalizing foods, filled with antioxidants and anti-inflammation benefits. This combination makes them handy for fighting off toxins. Cayenne aids in digestion and metabolic function and has mood-boosting properties thanks to its ability to increase endorphins in the body.

Bell Peppers 

Bell peppers can enhance almost any meal raw, grilled, or roasted. The veggie is packed with antioxidants that decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and inflammation, and is rich in vitamins C, A, and E and fibre. Some people have adverse reactions to peppers due to the lectins in the skin and seeds, but peeling and removing the seeds help to remove some of the inflammatory proteins.


Spinach is easy to find and easier to use. This incredibly alkaline leafy green is high in vitamins K, A, and C and iron, potassium, and magnesium. Spinach is also rich in chlorophyll, which can decrease inflammation and increase the quality of red blood cells. Adding spinach to meals will help ensure balance in the body’s mineral content.


Kale has a wealth of alkalizing benefits including those now-familiar essential antioxidants, which can improve the digestive system and help rid the body of acidity and toxins

 Kale is one of the most nutrient-dense foods, high in vitamins A and C. It’s also one of the best sources of vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting. As such, however, it is not recommended for people to take blood thinners.


Bananas act as a natural antacid, producing mucus that coats the lining of the stomach. This versatile fruit is rich in calcium and can help balance blood sugar. Eating a banana before bed may improve sleep because they contain the amino acid tryptophan. They also aid in relaxation thanks to the muscle-relaxing qualities of potassium and magnesium.


Broccoli is an all-around healthy vegetable. In particular, the cruciferous veggie is a must for increasing alkalinity. Broccoli helps inhibit the growth of cancerous cells, supports the digestive system, and improves detoxification processes in the body. Like many healthy vegetables, it contains antioxidants that can help decrease inflammation.


Not only is celery alkaline, but it is also high in water and has lots of vitamin C, which helps support the immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve cardiovascular health. Potassium and sodium also help rid the body of excess fluids. Celery is also very high in fibre, reducing constipation and aiding weight loss.

Sea Vegetables

Sea vegetables are a bounty of alkalizing foods full of micronutrients known for remarkable health benefits. Their multiple varieties carry different nutritional profiles, but each type contains high levels of the trace element iodine. Sea Vegetables also yield a generous harvest of essential amino acids and antioxidants such as phenols and tannins. Despite their salty flavour, kelp, dulse, kombu, and other edible sea plants are rather low in sodium and calories.


Almonds are more alkaline than other nuts such as walnuts, pecans, and cashews, according to the proponents of the alkaline diet. Almonds also contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids that can help protect the heart. They are rich in protein, antioxidant vitamin E, and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, and manganese.

 Clinical studies show that almond phytonutrients can reduce insulin resistance and systemic inflammation. The nut’s compounds also help improve the blood lipid profile. The nut’s high fibre content contributes to feelings of satiety, making them a tasty, nutrient-dense snack option for controlling the appetite and managing weight when consumed in small quantities.


Aromatic basil can enhance the flavour and alkalinity of many dishes. Ayurvedic and other traditional medicine practices include this long-revered herb to relieve a host of gastrointestinal and kidney ailments. Eugenol and other bio compounds are thought to help reduce blood glucose levels, fight inflammation, boost immunity, and treat mood and cognitive conditions.

Root Vegetables

Root vegetables can make hearty, alkalizing additions to the diet. Radishes and beets carry nitrates that increase nitric oxide, a molecule integral to many cardiovascular functions. Carrots provide more than 300% of the recommended daily requirement of beta-carotene, a form of vitamin A that helps protect vision, enhance skin, and fight cancer-causing compounds. Root vegetables supply plenty of soluble and insoluble fibre, which can boost gut microbiota health.

Citrus Fruits 

Citrus fruits are high in citric and ascorbic acids. Although they are acidic, these fruits generate alkaline by-products, and fans of the alkaline diet suggest they are alkaline. Lemons, oranges, limes, grapefruits, and tangerines are rich sources of vitamin C and supply generous amounts of vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, and folate. 

They also contain flavonoids that may help fight neurodegenerative conditions, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and cancer. Studies show that people who regularly drink 100% citrus juice (unsweetened and all-natural) have more favourable body measurement parameters than those who do not. However, citric acid can erode the teeth. Dentists recommend consuming citrus fruits and beverages along with other low-acid foods and using a straw for your beverages.

This is very damaging, impairs the body’s ability to repair or detoxify, and will cause a person to be more susceptible to disease and illness. 

The most common signs of acidosis are:

    Fatigue or chronic fatigue

    Feeling tired, low energy

    Brittle nails and hair

    Low bone density, osteoporosis

     Heavy breathing

    Gaining weight or being underweight

    Digestive issues

    Arthritis, diabetes

    Headaches, acne

     Bad immune system

     Heart problems, cancer

     Infections, allergies, candida

Benefits of an alkaline diet

  Getting deeper more restful sleep

  Reducing candida overgrowth

  Increased mental acuity or alertness

  Enhanced memory and cognition

  Easier weight loss

  Increased energy

  Improved bone health

  Reduced muscle wasting

  Proper cell functioning

  Healthy tissues and cells

 Mitigation of chronic diseases

 Improved cardiovascular health and overall health.


It seems like following the guidelines of eating alkaline is just another way of finding out that plant-based foods are most beneficial to us. Not only are they not harmful to us, but their high also has a hugely positive effect on our whole body, such as healing and preventing disease. But let’s first take a look at alkaline foods.

If you want to know whether you’re more alkaline or acidic, you can easily test that at home. Simply get some test stripes at your health food store or online at amazon which you can use for either your saliva or urine to show your results.

But why is this so important? Our bodies are designed to operate within a very narrow pH range, which is around 7.365, which is slightly alkaline. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of higher than 7 is alkalizing, a pH less than 7 is acidic, and a pH of 7 is considered neutral.

The Ph range should be 7.35 to 7.45 the average should be 7.40 the range is very narrow you should consult with your Doctor.   

#Healthy Body Happier Life.



Natural Organic Foods

“Nutritional awareness beauty flow from inside to the outside if your inside is not healthy your outside cannot be beautiful and that go for mind, soul, and body” 

Western civilization is not promoting eating healthy to maintain a healthy and happier life Our grandparents knew “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.”Nature’s design in each fruit, herb, root and vegetable has all the right ingredients to maintain the body for energy, strength, repairing cells and so forth. 

For instance, herbs like nettle are good blood builders; other blood helpers are green vegetables, black cherries, and bee pollen. Brain cells are different among themselves and are different in the individual person. 

So why do we all get the same head ace medication, there is the skeletal system, muscular, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, reproductive, integumentary, lymphatic, excretory, circulatory, nervous, and urinary systems. That is why we need natural foods, not food made in factories, preventive eating is better than a cure.


   Can Sleep Habits Affect Your Weight Loss?

About one in three adults in North America report routinely not getting enough sleep. Sleep insufficiency is associated with an increased risk of traffic accidents, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, mental health problems, injuries, loss of productivity resulting in millions of lost dollars, and death. It also appears to be associated with an increased risk for obesity, especially in children. Fortunately, sleep is a modifiable risk factor, one that can be changed readily.

Something about scientists is still trying to determine the biological mechanisms that may account for the relation to improve health shift and the relation between sleep and weight. “It’s easy to see how too much sleep could lead to weight gain since you not burning a lot of calories when you’re asleep.


Certainly, we have less energy to be physically active when we’re tired so we might burn fewer calories. Staying up late gives us more hours in the day to consume calories, and it’s easy to fall into the trap of eating to get the energy to stay awake when we’re tired. 


While not all research agrees, there is evidence that suggests people tend to consume more calories when their sleep-deprived and sleep-restricted individuals may choose poor-quality foods compared to non-sleep-restricted individuals.


Be Aware Take Charge 

Tips to improve your sleep quality and quantity:

Watch What You Drink. 

Avoid caffeine and alcohol closer to bedtime in the second half of the day. Alcohol can make you drowsy but ultimately leads to restless, poor-quality sleep.

Watch When You Eat. 

Eating too close to bedtime can cause heartburn or feelings of fullness, making it hard to fall or stay asleep.


Avoid activities that may disturb sleep patterns such as exercise, computer games, stimulating TV shows, and other music too close to bedtime.

Get Moving.

Engaging in physical activity during the day that makes you tired can also help you sleep better at night—a double win.

Lack of sleep can also cause greater insulin resistance and, ultimately, risk of type 2 diabetes. Insulin is the hormone that moves glucose out of the bloodstream into the cells to fuel our bodily functions.

 If the cells become resistant to insulin, they are unable to get energy to the cells. The resulting complex biochemical reactions essentially boil down to this: the cells alert the brain they need more oxygen and energy, and the brain sends out hunger signals to encourage us to take in more fuel or calories. So, insulin resistance can lead to increased hunger and weight gain.


Even after decades of research, the exact reason why we sleep remains one of the most enduring and intriguing mysteries in health science. To try to get to the bottom of this question, experts analyze how sleep works and what happens when we don’t get enough sleep


The body’s natural daily rhythms are regulated by structures in the brain, the internal clock help determines when we fall asleep and stay awake.

 People progress through a series of distinct physiological stages during sleep. Each one of these stages of sleep serves an important purpose in keeping your brain and body healthy. During the night, these stages of quiet sleep alternate with periods of REM the second stage of sleep (dream sleep). Quiet sleep is important because it helps restore the body, while REM sleep restores the mind and is important for both learning and memory.


Natural Sleep Helper


 The levels of melatonin begin climbing after dark and ebb after dawn. This hormone induces drowsiness that makes you ready to sleep, scientists believe its daily light-sensitive cycles help keep the sleep/wake cycle on track.


Social and work 

As a person do their daily schedules and demands that their body remain alert for certain tasks and social events, there is cognitive pressure to stay on schedule.


Bright Light 

Exposure to light at the right time helps keep the circadian clock on the correct schedule. However, exposure at the wrong time can change sleep and wakefulness to undesired times. Circadian rhythm disturbances cause sleep problems that affect up to 93% of blind people demonstrating the importance of light in sleep/wake patterns.


Deep sleep seems to be the time for your body to renew and repair itself.

Blood flow is directed less toward your brain, which cools measurably. At the beginning of this stage, the pituitary gland releases a spurt of growth hormone that stimulates tissue growth and muscle repair. 

Researchers have also detected increased blood levels of substances that activate your immune system, raising the possibility that deep sleep helps the body defends itself against infection. Our ancestors like to say get enough sleep or you will get sick, the right amount of sleep will give you healthy glowing skin



Good Changes Work

Consume only things that support a healthy Immune system, support healthy blood pressure, maintain healthy blood sugar and help the brain stay sharp with a healthy recall with memory exercise.